英語 英語学習 基礎 日本語 日本人 日本在住 Yukari ゆかり 河口友香里 Yukari Kawaguchi



考えていることの英訳 English translation of thinking anything on 20220712


Goal setting!


Achieve my Goal!

Looking foward to the end of 2022!
What’s going on !Excited!

I’m the one who keeps me from doing what I want to do , and I’m the one who create the hurdles there , so I should be able to overcome it easiliy.

Time is too fast , so narrow down what to do.

I don’t lower my self-esteem about what my time isn’t done by being short.

Rising to the right!Grow steadily!

There are no Goals that cannot be achieved.
Will I do it or not?That’s it.

Model change!
I’m completely new and I seem to be reborn!


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