英語 英語学習 基礎 日本語 日本人 日本在住 Yukari ゆかり 河口友香里 Yukari Kawaguchi



考えていることの英訳 English translation of thinking anything on 20220723


Anything is moved out.

In genuity to increase the degree of achivement.

Remove the frame steadily.

It was better if I abandoned my commitment. Move foward.

I’m having fun!I’m just working on fun things!
It’s a long-lasting secret , but it’s super important that I don’t do what I don’t want to do or that I’m in line
with my heart.

Go ahead steadily.

I have been taken to something and I have come to a completely different place.

Fully demonstrate!

I will write a lot for tweets , too.

Turn it better!


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