英語 英語学習 基礎 日本語 日本人 日本在住 Yukari ゆかり 河口友香里 Yukari Kawaguchi



考えていることの英訳 English translation of thinking anything on 20220715


Divide into categories.

Image training.

Write a project.

For work of music , I listen to more music.


Life Philosophy.

Make an image of December 2022!5month later!
What’s really going on!Excited!
It will definitely be as I imagined!

With all my heart and soul!

I think that it is due to the specifications of the brain that if you stimulate one place , it will spread to the whole and the whole will work.

I have cut the other half this year , but by the end of the year , I will reach a lt of Goals.
There is only action.


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