英語 英語学習 基礎 日本語 日本人 日本在住 Yukari ゆかり 河口友香里 Yukari Kawaguchi



考えていることの英訳 English translation of thinking anything on 2022070201


I will do my best today!

I confirmed today’s schedule.

Anyway,I will do my best in English.
Then everything else will work.

Half of this year has passed without any nostalgia.
Half a year left!Run thorough!

Language study.

Away from many different things and people.
Spiritually speaking , it’s a turning point with new encounters and the beginning of life.

・23 と58が出た!シリウスコードについて調べる。
23 and 58 came out!
Find out about the Sirius code.


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