Near a great forest there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife,and his two children;the boy’s name was Hansel and the girl’s Gretel.
near ~の近くに
great forest 大きな森
there そこに
lived live 住むの過去形 住んでいた
a 1つ 単数
poor 貧しい
wood cutter 木こり
and ~と
his he 彼 の所有格
and そして
two 2つ
children child子ども の複数形
two children 子どもがふたり
his two children 彼のふたりの子ども
the 定冠詞 名称の前などにつく
’s ~の
boy’s 男の子の
name 名前
was is Be動詞~である、の過去形